I’m trying to figure out if this is a murano piece and possibly a maker and age if that’s all possible. If you could give a price estimate that would be nice but it’s not completely necessary. Thank you


I would like a valuation of the Murano glass bowl I have in my posession. It has Nason engraged around a small circular hole and an orange streak running around the circumfrance.


I would like these pieces evaluated and a price for insurance purposes

Trefuochi glass

Vorrei la valutazione di questo lampadario di Murano degli anni 40.
La coppa con il terminale è stato invito ad una vetreria per essere rifatto.
Grazie per il vostro aiuto.

Lampadario anni 40 Murano

I would like help identifying this frog. I was told by the seller that it is Murano.

Frog in glass estimation

Can you please tell me if my ashtray is an authentic Murano glass ashtray? Thank you.

Murano Glass Ashtray

What I know.
Fratelli Toso.
Orange---Opalino Bullicante.
Top Width---6"
Weigth---3.11 Lbs.

Murano Vase

I was hoping you would be able to help with identifying the artist and any relevant information about each of the pieces shown in the photos. Were there any other pieces in this particular series. Would you also be able to give me a valuation for each of the pieces for insurance purposes and possible sell on value.

various sculptures

Desire appraisal if value on 1920’s Venetian glass chandelier. Has been in my family since 1920’s. Needs good cleaning. Works fine. Used every day. Added/replaced 2 pieces when I was in Venice a few years ago. Everything else is original.


I would like to get an estimate quote for the value of my perfume bottle. Never used with original Murano Glass story tag still on it - in a numbered box. I would also like to know the age of the bottle?


Hi there. My father gave me a couple of pieces and said they were mutant glass. I would love to know if they are murano and if they have any value at all.the last photo shows sadly a chip that happened when moving house but I am curious to know about my items as I have had them for a long time and don’t know anything about them. Thanks so much for your time

Various glass

I recently received two clowns from a relative.
They have had them for many years, and cannot remember how they came by them.
We believe it to be a Murano Clown.
Can you help with any information (maker, age, rough value - who signed it?)
Thank you so much.

Help Identifying Clown Signature

I recently received two clowns from a relative.
They have had them for many years, and cannot remember how they came by them.
Can you help with any information (age, rough value ?)
Do we need extra insurance for it....
Thank you so much.

Help Identifying age and value of Clown

Can you please value the Murano Glass collection, I believe it is Tre-Fuochi. Coffee/cups set x 6 and drinks set with goblets x 6


Emerald green vintage glass jar with lid



I would like to estimate this statue that I have been gifted years ago.
I think it is a Murano one because of the style and finitions.
It weight at least 7 to 12 kilograms.

Thank you very much.

Chinese Murano Glass Statue

Red and gold ice bucket 220mm wide including the handles and 225 mm high.

Murano Ice Bucket

Two sconce no markings. Decanter with markings. We also have an entire China cabinet full of decanters and glasses.

Sconce and Decanter

Yellow, striped design, dome base, beads on one, fragile glass stemware.

Yellow Stemware

I have been given this beautiful piece as a gift and was wondering if you could give me any information on it. Is it a bowl or a vase? Many thanks in advance.

White Cristal Murano glass

I purchased 6 goblets and wine decanter directly from murano factory approx 30 years ago have the original receipt (I attach the receipt which is in lira)

Mrs Hodges

Wondering if this is a Murano brand or not.
Passed down to me.
Would love to have it certified.

Glass clown

There are 2 vases that are 30cm in height and 17cm width, these are similar design the third is a pitcher and measures 35cm high and 14cm wide.


Vorrei sapere il valore di questi sei bicchieri veneziani in oro 24K

valore bicchieri

Quanto può valere?


Ho questo cinese da tempo e vorrei capire se è originale o meno

Cinese in Murano

Salve, abbiamo un dubbio sull'originalità di questo vaso che abbiamo trovato in soffitta.




valutazione lampadario in vetro


Avere informazioni aggiuntive e una reale valutazione del lampadario proposto in foto.

lampadario in vetro soffiato murano

Gentili vetrai, sarei interessato alla stima di alcuni lampadari da me recentemente ereditati. Ho notato molti pezzi simili al primo (foto principale e n°1) ma non uguali e nessuno del terzo quarto tipo (foto 3 e 4) , ragion per cui ho il sospetto si possa trattare di oggetti datati. Sono certo infatti che abbiano almeno trent'anni perché appartenuti ai miei nonni. Purtroppo, al momento, posso fornirvi solo alcune fotografie perché i lampadari sono distanti dal luogo in cui risiedo. Vi prego comunque di prendere in considerazione la mia richiesta, qualora fosse necessario potrei integrare il materiale .

lampadari murano

Buonasera, vi contatto per avere una stima attuale sul mercato di ques’opera. Grazie mille


Lampadario in ferri battuto a sfoglia dorato e brindoli originali


vaso in cristalo con Papa Giovanni Paolo II alteza30 cm realisato in 1978 in Polonia quanto stato letto Papa
sarei interesata suo valore

vaso in cristalo con Papa Giovanni Paolo II

I miei genitori hanno vissuto tra gli anni ‘50 e ‘70 al Lido di Venezia ed hanno fra i loro oggetti questa caraffa alta circa 45 cm. Sotto la base c’è un’incisione a punta “Barovier Murano”. La forma del beccuccio (rivolto verso l’alto) ricorda i pezzi di Giovannni Barovier e i colori e le forme ricordano l’Art Decò dei primi del ‘900. La lavorazione del corpo della caraffa è molto complessa, all’interno del vetro trasparente moltissime “murrine” colorate, variopinte, foglie verdi in rilievo ed un tralcio blu cobalto circonvoluto attorno a tutta l’opera, sempre in rilievo, e con striature bellissime. Allego alcune foto ed un dettaglio della firma.

Caraffa murano con firma “Barovier Murano”

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