Bowl Centerpiece Tintoretto - blue and red-silver leaf- Original Murano Glass OMG Bowl Centerpiece Tintoretto - blue and red-silver leaf- Original Murano Glass OMG Bowl Centerpiece Tintoretto - blue and red-silver leaf- Original Murano Glass OMG Bowl Centerpiece Tintoretto - blue and red-silver leaf- Original Murano Glass OMG Bowl Centerpiece Tintoretto - blue and red-silver leaf- Original Murano Glass OMG Bowl Centerpiece Tintoretto - blue and red-silver leaf- Original Murano Glass OMG

ART COD. ID: 5598

Length: 30 cm (inches 11.79 )
Width: 30 cm (inches 11.79 )
Height: 17 cm (inches 6.681 )

Video 360° del Prodotto: 360 spin product

Bowl vase centerpiece in venetian glass handmade with the technique of glass blowing, with multicolored glass and silver leaf decoration. This original Murano glass vase is signed by the glass master.

Very elegant and lovely bowl perfect to be used as centerpiece or also as fruits holder. A gift idea that will make happy your lovedone with colors!

Bowl Centerpiece Tintoretto - blue and red-silver leaf- Original Murano Glass OMG

Bowl mix colors and silver leaf decoration


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