Flavio Poli Bullicante Murano Glass Fish


Large glass fish - 48cm X27cm. 9.3kg

Some years back my mother was gifted this rather magnificent glass fish by a gentlemen friend. From what I can find online I believe it to be a Murano Glass Flavio Poli bullicante fish figurine from around 1937 (ish) but I have no experience, so have no real idea of its value.

Unfortunately there is some damage to the gill on one side, and some slight damage to the top lip - it was dropped the last time she moved house. There are also a few scratches here and there, so I’m sure this will affect any valuation significantly. It is still, however, quite an imposing piece and some 9.3kg in weight.

My mother recently passed away so the piece is now in my possession, and I might be looking at selling it. Is there any advice you could offer me? For example, is it genuine? What sort price is it likely realise in its current condition? Could the damage be repaired/restored? Anything you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

OMG Team Answer:

This is a very old technique of Murano glass, called sommerso. if the glass fish is broken unfortunately it cannot be fixed. In this regard the value if it were in perfect condition at least $ 1500 - 2000.