This bust is a beautiful blue green in color. The mane of the horse is similar to what I have seen online of authentic art, however there are differences as well. I understand that each piece of glass will be different, I'm just not sure "how different".

Horse Head Bust/Paperweight
Horse Head Bust/Paperweight


This bust is a beautiful blue green in color. The mane of the horse is similar to what I have seen online of authentic art, however there are differences as well. I understand that each piece of glass will be different, I'm just not sure "how different".

I purchased it from an auction/estate sale. I bought it immediately upon sight because I thought it was so intriguing as well as beautiful. Then I began some research and was so inundated with conflicting information that I'm now very confused. Not sure if what I have: Is worth $50.00 or $500.00....? it is very, very pretty and I was told by a local artist that it was nice but he could not determine where it came from. It does have a sticker, but is not signed. I do have a number of pictures that I will attach for your review. Thanks for your time!!