Lovers Sculpture - OneLove - Blue orange red yellow decoration Big size Lovers Sculpture - OneLove - Blue orange red yellow decoration Big size Lovers Sculpture - OneLove - Blue orange red yellow decoration Big size Lovers Sculpture - OneLove - Blue orange red yellow decoration Big size Lovers Sculpture - OneLove - Blue orange red yellow decoration Big size Lovers Sculpture - OneLove - Blue orange red yellow decoration Big size Lovers Sculpture - OneLove - Blue orange red yellow decoration Big size Lovers Sculpture - OneLove - Blue orange red yellow decoration Big size Lovers Sculpture - OneLove - Blue orange red yellow decoration Big size Lovers Sculpture - OneLove - Blue orange red yellow decoration Big size

ART COD. ID: 2609

Length: 16 cm (inches 6.288 )
Width: 16 cm (inches 6.288 )
Height: 60 cm (inches 23.58 )

Video 360° of Product: 360 spin product

Lovers bust sculpture handmade with the technique of warm glass modellation. Glass is molten in different colors. Handmade for our selection of lovers sculptures. 
The sculpture is signed by the master.

Lovers Sculpture - OneLove - Blue orange red yellow decoration Big size

Handcraft artworks Venetian Art


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ART COD. ID: 2609

Length: 16 cm (inches 6.288 )
Width: 16 cm (inches 6.288 )
Height: 60 cm (inches 23.58 )

Video 360° of Product: 360 spin product

Lovers bust sculpture handmade with the technique of warm glass modellation. Glass is molten in different colors. Handmade for our selection of lovers sculptures. 
The sculpture is signed by the master.