Every object, furniture or corporate gift designed in Murano glass guarantees a precious result. We can provide custom gift box with company logo, special engraved on surface with event style or sentence, see our corporate gift catalogue in venetian glass. Thanks to the value of this particular kind of work, but also thanks to the great virtuosity of Italian artisans who devote themselves to this job following a tradition which dates back to ancient times. Their jobs and their competences allow to produce the best works of Made in Italy in the art of glass of Murano customers can find in the Original Murano Glass OMG
Thanks to the skills and knowledge of expert artisans, companies can choose and customize their own corporate gift to dedicate to their employees o coworkers on special holidays or occasions. There are many ideas customers can find in the online store originalmuranoglass.com, and many other different solutions available that can be created and developed to make a gift with the mark or logo or ideology of a company.
A different corporate gift, precious and rich in value, made with care by artisans according to the ideas of the company. Jewelry, gadgets, gifts and many other solutions, customized to represent better the company's image also for meetings in which it’s important to give a good image of themselves. This will enable your mark to be remembered and recognized by many people.