3 glass pieces estimated


1- Light blue, thicker glass, sticker on bottom, visable bubbles in glass
2- taller, heavier, bubbles present
3- spotted glass, lightweight, no stickers

all three have bubbles in glass, taller one is heavier than other two. bought at a Italian church bizzarre in Florida from an elderly man who did not speak much English. Claimed they were original Murano. All three are lightweight,

OMG Team Answer:

not sure if all vases are Murano glass artworks, the colors and technique are not easy to recognise it as original. Maybe they are very old Murano glass objects. Moreover for sure the blue with bubble is Murano glass. the value is not much high for all.
This kind of artworks is difficolt to say if they are made in Murano glass. Many of this kind of vases are also made in China and solt as fake Murano glass.
In our experience we never show before that kind of mark in Murano producers. We would like to say hazarding the 2 vases are not made in originla Mrunao glass. The ashtray it can be made in Murano.