Chandelier Verification - Murano glass quote


The attached picture is of a chandelier we inherited from my mother-in-law who brought it back from Italy with her in 1987 Her travel journal states she purchased it on Aug 20th 1987 from your factory in Venice. Can you verify it is Murano? We've moved it 3 times because we love it!

It is white colored glass with gold trim. Measures approximately 28 inches long and 22 inches wide. Contain 5 lights. Her name was Ruth Cordes from St Louis Missouri USA. She paid $2000 USD.

OMG Team Answer:

Dear Rosie,

yes for sure it is original murano glass chandelier and it is very precious cause it seem made in white Seta, right now only fews producers still make this color in this way.

it can value 3000$
